COVID Vaccine FAQs

I’ve received many questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Below are some answers I’ve written up over the last several months to commonly asked questions. Find the most up-to-date information about vaccine recommendations and side effects here. Do the COVID vaccines work? How do we know if the vacci

COVID Vaccine FAQs

I’ve received many questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Below are some answers I’ve written up over the last several months to commonly asked questions. Find the most up-to-date information about vaccine recommendations and side effects here.

Do the COVID vaccines work?

What are the side effects?

Are the vaccines really needed?

I am tired of the pandemic. Do you have anything to help with that?

Have a question that isn't answered here?

Try searching here, a custom search engine for a few sites I trust including Dear Pandemic, Inside Medicine, and Deplatform Disease.